
Smplayer youtube description
Smplayer youtube description

smplayer youtube description

I wonder if I sould better pass this filter to View>Information and properties>Options for MPlayer/mpv, in order to pass it only to the specific URL. So I belive I have to pass some video filter. I have set Preferences>Network>YouTube(and other sites) to Auto and 360p (mp4), but this does not affect the resolution obviusly because it is not a YouTube stream. Sadly I just copy the generic video URL, without any 360p resolution filter. Then I click the share icon on the top-right of the video frame and click the URL icon to copy it. I go to and I click the HD button on the video frame, I change to 360p. I cannot change resolution in some Live Broadcast URLs that don' t come from YouTube, I hope this is because I don' t know how to pass options and filters to MPlayer/mpv, if not then it is not possibile to reduce these Live Broadcast resolutions.

smplayer youtube description

My operating system on a Dell Inspiron 910 is Xubuntu 16.04, my SMplayer Menu>About gives: I asked for help at SMplayer-forum, but the response probably won't be quick, so I paste the question below:

Smplayer youtube description